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Build a privacy plan–Privacy statement

How do we handle your personal information?

If you fill out the registration form, you provide the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada with personal information. The following Qs and As explain how we handle your personal information.

What would be collected at registration?

If you decide to register for a profile you will be asked to provide:

  • Your e-mail; and
  • A password

Remember – registration is optional, but means you can revisit your answers

By registering, you will be able to return to the questionnaire and complete any unfinished steps at a later date. This allows you to review information with others in your organization.

Remember, registration is optional! If you decide not to register you can still complete the questionnaire and generate your privacy plan. However it also means that none of your responses will be stored, so you will not be able to access the information online in the future. After your session, if you would like to make changes to your answers you will have to retake the questionnaire and generate a new privacy plan.

Why is this information collected?

Providing your email allows you to reset your password, if needed.  Your password helps protect your questionnaire answers.

How will this information be used?

This information will only be used to facilitate account maintenance (such as database/server maintenance, troubleshooting, and account deactivation). Access to the information you provide when you register is limited to those who need the information for the purpose of account maintenance.

Will this information be disclosed?

The OPC will not disclose the information you provide when registering unless you consent, or unless such a disclosure is in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act, which is reserved for limited situations. In the case of such a disclosure, the OPC will disclose only the information that is required and, wherever possible, will inform the individual.

Our website is hosted on servers owned and managed by a third party, Primus Business Services. Any personal information collected on our behalf by Primus Business Services, such as server log data (see below), is managed in accordance with the OPC Privacy Policy, and is protected by applicable law.

Where will the information be stored?

The information collected is stored on servers hosted by a third party.  It is managed in accordance with the OPC Privacy Policy, and is protected by applicable law. The personal information is part of personal information bank number PSU 914. A description of this and other banks of personal information held by federal government departments and agencies can be found in: Info Source, a public directory which is available online.

How will the information be protected?

The OPC is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals visiting its Web site. All personal information provided when you register is protected under the Privacy Act.

How long will this information be retained?

If you choose to register, your profile will remain active from 6 months of your last login date. After such time, your personal information will be deleted.

How can I deactivate and remove my information?

You may e-mail us at any time to ask us to remove your information from our online database.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

Questions about this policy may be directed to our Chief Privacy Officer, who is also the Director of the Access to Information and Privacy Unit. You can contact our Chief Privacy Officer through our toll-free line at 1-800-282-1376, or by postal mail at:

30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 1H3

Please see our Website Privacy Notice for our online privacy statement and corporate Privacy Policy for our overall information management practices.

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